

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Looking at the World Upside Down

Beware...this is catchy.

Side effects include:
increased bank account balances. Happiness... Just because. Friends who enjoy your company, smile lines, increased productivity, stopping and smelling the roses, cheerfulness, laughter,optimism and seeing the glass half full.

These effects can be exaggerated over time and may become permanent.
Via Richard Bell - Windermere Peninsula Properties:

Perspective is everything. When the space program first launched, there were a lot of tests and experiments they put the astronauts through to ensure they were ready for whatever might lay ahead.

Some of these experiments were a little strange.

For example, one test, that I found particularly interesting, was the one requiring the astronauts to wear goggles for 30 days that caused them to see EVERYTHING upside down.

I wondered how relevant this was, until I heard the rest of the story.

For the first 29 days it was very challenging. It was very difficult for them to eat, walk or pick up objects. Imagine wearing these upside down goggles 24/7 without relief?

And then it happened - On day 30 their world flipped- literally. Their brains adjusted to their new perspective and even with their goggles on, the world appeared right side up. Their brains learned to adapt.

The same is true for us. If we train ourselves to see the world right side up even when it appears upside down we can alter our lives.

Our business is dependent on our attitude. Positive attracts Positive. What you see as a reality will become your reality. It is all up to you and what you do with what you have. To enjoy success you must first see yourself as successful and the rest will fall into place.

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